Alibaba Cloud
Alibaba Cloud offers a suite of cloud computing services to empower your business. From Elastic Compute Service (ECS) for virtual servers to Object Storage Service (OSS) for data storage, Alibaba Cloud provides the tools you need to build, deploy, and scale your applications.

More Infomation :

Database Services
Alibaba Cloud has been named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems for the 4th consecutive year.

Migrate Your Database to Alibaba Cloud

Database Services Extensive Product Portfolio Extensive Product Portfolio

Alibaba Cloud offers one of the most extensive portfolios of cloud database solutions and can provide the necessary solutions to store, process, analyze and manage your data to support and add value to your business. Our database systems support all the mainstream open-source and commercial database solutions, including MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, and Redis.
Database Services Proven Reliability and Scalability Proven Reliability and Scalability

Alibaba Cloud's databases can empower your business, no matter the scale. Database solutions like RDS and PolarDB supported Alibaba's systems behind the annual Double 11 Shopping Festival, China's Black Friday, the world's largest online shopping event.

Database Services Large and Growing Customer Large and Growing Customer Base

Our database solutions have supported over 100,000 customers with more than 400,000 databases hosted on Alibaba Cloud. Alibaba Cloud is the number one choice among cloud database providers in Asia Pacific.
Database Services AI Solutions Paired with Powerful AI Solutions

Integrated with new and innovative AI solutions, our databases come with features such as auto-recovery and auto-optimization so that you can be more equipped in the cloud native revolution.

Cloud Computing Services
Elastic cloud computing services refer to a category of cloud offerings that provide on-demand, scalable resources for data storage and computing power.

The Ultra-Performance Cloud Computing Era

Cloud Computing Computing Power Unparalleled Computing Power

Alibaba Cloud computing services are based on the 4th generation X-Dragon architecture. The performance has been comprehensively improved compared to the previous generation. At the same time, it was upgraded to a brand new eRDMA network architecture. It is the industry's first large-scale elastic RDMA acceleration capability.
Cloud Computing High Stability High Stability

Alibaba Cloud ECS is backed a high Service Level Agreement (SLA)by commitment that guarantees 99.975% availability for individual instances and 99.995% availability for instances developed in multiple zones within the same region.

Cloud Computing Reliability and Scalability Reliability and Scalability You Can Trust

Alibaba Cloud elastic computing services are resilient to traffic spikes and apply to nearly 300 scenarios across different industries, such as the Internet, finance, and retail. DingTalk successfully leveraged these services to scale up and deploy 100,000 Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances within two hours.
Cloud Computing R&D and Evolution Continuous R&D and Evolution

Over the last decade, Alibaba Cloud saw a 2,000-time increase in storage performance, a 500-time increase in network performance, and an average doubling of overall computing power per year.

Alibaba Cloud Storage
Alibaba Cloud storage solutions are oriented to diversified scenarios of users in multiple industries, providing global enterprises with more secure, stable, reliable, and intelligent data storage services. These solutions can help enterprises migrate their business to the cloud, laying a data foundation for enterprises to realize digital transformation.

Alibaba Cloud Storage

Alibaba Cloud Storage Stable

Supports a throughput of terabytes of data per second and hundreds of millions of IOPS
Alibaba Cloud Storage Secure

Provides 99.9999999999% (twelve 9's) reliability

Alibaba Cloud Storage High-Performance

Achieves one million IOPS for the first time in the industry
Alibaba Cloud Storage Intelligent

Provides real-time online AI analysis, security defense, and fault prevention
Alibaba Cloud Storage Affordable

Reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO) to enable small- and medium-sized enterprises to seamlessly migrate businesses to the cloud

Alibaba Cloud Networking
Cross-Region, Comprehensive, and Simple Services.

With Alibaba Cloud networking, you can build your global business network connections using multiple VPCs in different regions. Cloud Enterprise Network learns the routing information and distributes the routing automatically, therefore providing advanced communication between VPCs. You can experience the faster, secure, and high-quality network worldwide.
Alibaba Cloud Networking Interconnect to Global Cloud

Alibaba Cloud Network Fast Deployment

Fast Deployment

Set up a multi-region networking environment in 4 easy steps and within 5 minutes.
Alibaba Cloud Network Cost Effective

Cost Effective

The cost depends on the demands of your network needs. No extra charges are required.
Alibaba Cloud Network Superior Speed

Superior Speed

Significantly reduces network latency. It improves business processes and overall communication.
Alibaba Cloud Network China Gateway

China Gateway

As a leading cloud provider in China, we provide reliable network connection in China.

Exploring advanced technologies

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